Saturday, July 09, 2011

Things I love....SOOOO EXCITED

What a great day! This will be kind of a repeat of my last Things I Love...but only better.

Today I love

and the reason I love it even more today, than yesterday is because Anjie Jaye at Crayon Freckles is the best. She sent me my very own invite!! Yahoo. Thank you so much!! You should check out her blog because she is so awesome!!

So now on to why I love Pinterest so much.

You can "Pin" things to "Boards". That means no more forgetting neat ideas for crafts, awesome quotes, recipes, anything.

Just pin it to a board and it'll be there forever. And it's a great place to go for inspiration.  If you'd like to check out my boards and see what Pinterest is all about click here.

Awesome hey. Do you see why I'm so excited :)

If you'd like an invite to pinterest I'd be happy to send you one. Just follow me (the button is over there --> on the left hand bar) and shoot me a comment to tell me you like one.

Well I'm off to go pin some more! Bye for now.

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